21 April 2008

'twas a wonderous day indeed!

ah sweet reader, i cannot but tell thee what fun was had... & i'm done. i am sorry. i know i threatened promised today's post would be in elizabethan, but i am so tired that i may in fact already be asleep. you're stuck with 21st century kat.

the faire was great fun, & thehobbit is still talking about it. mostly he's been talking about the treasures he found. he always finds neat things that others have lost. this faire thehobbit came away with a silver ring, a brass bell, a nickle, & a dime.

today i went to a fancy, birthday brunch, whilst manlyman wrangled thehobbit, & minipaper. it was so lovely to sit in a nice restaurant, dressed in kid-unfriendly clothing, & play grownieup. happily, the knitting bag i spoke about here, was much loved by the birthday girl. she's going to loan the bag to me, so i can photograph it for you, & make a pattern. leave it to me to forget to do both before wrapping it.

speaking of patterns: i'm happy to say i finally made a fabric version of my birthday crown. when thehobbit turned 6mos i made him a paper crown to wear - then every year after that on his birthday. the last few years i've been saying i should just make a fabric one, & today i finally did.
i finished it just as he was getting tucked into bed; so i tied it on, & went in to show him. he loved the crown! yay! i need to figure out an easier way to line it, so i can quickly sew a bunch to sell at the may fair. photos soon... i promise!

that's all the babble i have for today. i need to get some research done for an article i'm writing. or! i could poke about blogland.....

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