05 October 2008

castles, ships, scares, & adventures

photo :: property of ann wood

i am in love with this cardboard castle. i found it on my daily walk through craftzine, & cannot stop going back to look at it. thehobbit's already asked if we could build our own, unfortunately i haven't the patience to create something this elaborate, even for him.
curiosity led me to visit ann's blog, & oh!!!! she is extremely talented, & i must have this ship.

photo :: property of ann wood


on a decidedly less light note: we had a scare last night. thehobbit; in usual hobbity fashion; was goofing off on the bathroom counter, fell backwards, & managed to get the tip of the tweezers he was holding into the electric outlet. there was a pop!, the tweezers scorched, the power went out, thehobbit scared & the parents more so. we have no idea how or why he was unharmed, but we are relieved beyond words.

i tiptoed in to stare at him a few times as he slept, & today have had to force myself to not follow him everywhere. i think he's more freaked still than he admits, as he's been behaving strangely all day - um strange even for him that is. i don't really care, i'm too busy feeling grateful i still have a child.


wow! we just had an adventure!! as i was writing this post, i heard the pitter patter of little creature feet. rubelin's cats are always sneaking in our backdoor to visit, so i assumed it was they. i looked over my shoulder to find it was not her cats, it was in fact our other neighbor's 2 dogs, zoe & apple box!!!! i can only assume the small dog squeezed through the fence, & the large dog jumped to follow. however they managed, it was unexpected, & quite fun.

we ushered them out, & i went to let the neighbors know we had stow-aways. much to thehobbit's delight, they weren't home. the dogs played happily in our yard for a time; thehobbit romping along side them; & when they finally lay in the grass to relax, i got the cell number off zoe's collar.

both dogs are home now, & thehobbit is sad. i hope one day he outgrows his allergy to dogs; it's just so cruel for a child who loves them as he does. still... what an adventure!

& now i must go comfort a sad hobbity boy. talk to you later :-)


** edited to update: since this post, the dogs have gotten into our yard a few times each day. at first thehobbit was thrilled beyond belief. however... they popped every ball the could find, killed one pumpkin vine, & bit into our largest pumpkin. thehobbit now enjoys helping us send them home! **


Anonymous said...

How scary! Glad he is ok.

kat said...

thank you :-)

maltagirl said...

oooooohh doggy adventures! I can only imagine how thrilled he was! Glad the hobbit and you survived the incident!

rubelin said...

yikes!! You didn't mention it at all!! hope he's seeming normal-ish again, though maybe a touch less reckless might be nice, huh? ;-)

hope your disney day was as loverly as ours was. SO sorry we missed bumping into you!!


kat said...

m ~ yes, & the dogs came back yesterday morn, so you can imagine the hobbity happies.

r ~ we did have fun, sorry we missed you too.

thanks to both of you, we are all recovered from the scare, & back to our 'normal' selves.

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