19 August 2008

when you wish upon a star...

do not wish you could spend a day doing nothing. don't think how lovely it would be if there was nothing to do, & you were able to watch mindless television the whole day long. why kat, why? why should we not wish for such a thing? it sounds lovely. well i shall tell you why, oh yes i shall.

because your wish shall come true! however... not in the way you had imagined it would. i wished for this very thing, after a few days of playing catch-up during the moments my back was behaving. i was exhausted, & nowhere near caught up, so i made my wish. it would seem these weren't the brightest of things to do; neither the wishing, nor the day at disneyland with a pack on my back nor the catching-up.

today my wish was granted, & i spent the day doing nothing. wait. let me rephrase that: unable to do anything. tooootally different. my back is now utterly out. all walking is done in slow motion, & the most minute of movements can trigger a freakypainful spasm, which freezes me in place until it passes. i am one miserable kat.


i spent very little of the day watching television at least. we did watch some, but it was a beautiful day, so much of it was spent out of doors. my guilt at not being able to do anything with thehobbit vanished when i realized he was spending his summer day as i had spent many of mine: left to play the day away in the backyard, with no adults to pester him.

i did check on him a few times though, because he was dressed quite inappropriately for a warm day. over pants & a tshirt he had on: a black suit coat, black gloves, an invisibility cloak, & a bike helmet (on backwards.) he never caught on, as i said i was coming outside for smooches. ha! by the way, i asked what he was dressed for, & he looked at me confusedly, & said huh?...

i sincerely hope the rest of you had a vastly better day than i. do me a favor - put on some music, & dance around the house in wild abandon. i'm going to wish that i can join you.



Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon.

kat said...

thank you very much anna. things are healing, just vastly slower than i like.

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