09 June 2008

bubbles & memories

today was our 3rd annual bubblefest. thehobbit had fun getting slimed, & running wild with the shorties. i love that at 10yo he is still mad for blowing bubbles. we were only able to stay 2 hours, which meant less time for me to chat with the mamas. i was bummed, but i knew that coffee was at the other end of our errands. coffee is good.

after errands; & coffee; i popped online to start working on an article. i needed a photo from last year, & soon found myself lost in memories. isn't amazing how much we forget? not that we went here or there, but all the little details of a day that are quickly replaced by all the little details of another day. wild.

photo :: thehobbit & minisoap @ the getty villa
i was taken aback by how much thehobbit's face has changed. the difference between 9 & 10 is great. for starters, he's the owner of a full mouth of teeth. his face has matured a little as well; in a way different from the usual getting biggerdom. now he's showing signs of a face to come. does that make sense?

photo :: thehobbit & minipaper @ the huntington

it was a lovely stroll through thehobbit's past adventures - even more lovely was seeing the same shorties growing bigger through the adventures with him. a little crew of shorties; so cool.



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