20 July 2009

royal proclamations

i've no time for a proper post today, but did want to let you know a few things:

* theshop is closed for the next month. i'm wretched at multi-tasking; no way can i manage theshop & care for a shiny, new bebe. i'll let you know when things are up & running again.

* i've a new comments image over there <--- created by the very talented cathe holden. she has a fun blog - please visit her at justsomethingimade.blogspot.com (my hotlink is still not working).

* we're nearing the end of the pregnancy, so don't fret if i suddenly disappear. i'll be back as soon as i'm able. i may even break my no photos with faces rule to share the newest member of the belfry with you.

hmm i could have sworn there was more to tell you. most likely it shall come to me in the middle of the night. i'll give you a ring if it does. ok? ;-)


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