07 September 2012



my friends & i have been using pinterest to share things that we think one another will like. knowing my love of letters & numbers, my dear paper sent me this crafting pin.

using an oven, & sharpie pens (i do not yet know if other brands of permanent marker work), one can customize their dishes. fabulous, is it not? well, there is a big trend in pinterest fails right now, so there were many pins showing that this craft did not work as promised.

having many permanent markers, & a mug that i had planned on decorating with ceramic paint, i thought i would do a quick test on the bottom. a pinter-test!

into a 350 (f) degree oven, for 30 minutes, turn off the oven, & let the object cool within. once cooled, i scrubbed it with water, dish soap, & an abrasive sponge. i mean scrubbed - as if i had been trying to remove the pen marks.

as you can see, there was some fading, with the red coming off the most. still, i would not call this a pinterest fail in the least. who scrubs that hard on their dishes? i'll not ditch my original plan for my mugs, but only because i already own the ceramic pens. most definitely thehobbit will want to give the sharpie version a try; a tardis, or something sherlockian.

what about you? what would you draw or write?

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