thehobbit knew a bit about lincoln, but we never formally studied the man. i thought this would be the perfect time; after all, one only turns 200 once. after poking through a few books yesterday, thehobbit decided we should build replicas of lincoln's childhood home. i was dreading the thought of popsicle sticks & mud, when he appeared dragging his box of lincoln logs
as you can see, thehobbit knew the appropriate hat for the occasion:
as we built cabin after cabin & why does he not tire of things as quickly as i? we talked about all that we'd read, & discussed more lincolny activities in which to take part.
one thing we agreed upon was the need for a birthday cake - we just cannot agree on what flavor licoln would want. i suggested we ask sir fennel (our ghost) to ask lincoln himself; but thehobbit merely rolled his eyes. for a moment i sat there shocked that he no longer believed in his beloved ghost, when he said with a long-suffering voice, i doubt they know each other. lincoln was a president, & sir fennel lived in england. oh. well. how could i have been so obtuse?
i know some of you one & only readers live elsewhere in the world. are there any special celebrations going on in your neck of the woods this year?
time for me to be off. there are beards to sew, chores to get to, & friends to be met. have a great day!
'tis also the 200th birthday of Darwin. Less log cabin making for that celebration.
i noticed that on google. to celebrate we discovered the missing link.
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